Monday, March 7, 2011

Can she really speak?

I am writing this blog as part of a contest. The prize??? A scholarship to one of the most amazing women's conferences I've ever been a part of. The name? She speaks!

This conference was amazing. I loved it. It wasn't only about being educated by some of the most notable women writers and speakers for Christ, but it was a time of fellowship and worship, and, for me, a true reverence for God! He moved mountains for me to get there that summer. It was a gift. My husband got word to send me and he faithfully obeyed. Spending what he did on me that summer was a true act of faith considering our circumstances.

I left my husband and our three children behind, and off I went on an adventure to fulfill the dream I knew God placed in my heart, which was to some day write and speak boldly for my Lord Jesus Christ.

I had never done this type of conference before and really had NO CLUE what I was doing. I pretty much dabbled in everything from what to wear as a speaker to how to connect the generations! I was all over the place! And all these other women had sense enough to at least pick a track and stick with it. Needless to say, I only got a foretaste of what now I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, is the right track for me: The Speakers Track.

Here I am 2 years later and I am no better a speaker than I was the day I left the conference. I have been dormant! But today I opened my email and to my surprise Lysa Terkeurst is offering 2 scholarships for the She Speaks conference 2011!!! I never thought I would get the chance to go again anytime soon. I had truly laid it down and knew in my heart that God would bring the opportunity to attend again in His perfect timing. I have four children now, my husband recently got laid off and he currently holds a job that only lasts until May, and I stay at home with the kids. So truly, I have not even dreamt about going to the She Speaks conference. Yet all day today I have felt giddy at the thought that maybe quite possibly I would be selected to go...FOR FREE! Who knows? Maybe this is the way God is going to send me again. I don't know. But I do know that I need to be diligent and seek it out until the very end. And so here I am!

I invite you to check out Lysa's post on the conference contest. And I encourage you to submit your entry too if you feel like the Lord has called you into public speaking for Him. Just click on Lysa Terkeurst under Conference Contest! on the top right corner of my blog. To learn more about She Speaks just click on their link right underneath.

May the Lord bless all of you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you! May He show you favor and bless you with His peace!
Much Love,