Friday, April 24, 2015

Press On!

I have four kids! That right there should be it's own blog post!!! hahaha! I am sure that statement in and of itself causes a whirlwind of emotions.  Lots of joy, lots of fun, but lots of work and lots of pressure.  Even if there is only one child in the family, the experience is all the same.  Yes, parenting has taught me so much and I would never want to go back and erase the fact that I have children but geez, its a struggle!!!  The hardest thing for me, I think, has been to overcome the temporary bouts of anger and immature fits by continuing to be loving, kind and forgiving.  I'll be real, sometimes I get so ticked that I start acting like the child, telling them to leave me alone and to not talk me anymore!  Later in the day if they ask me to play with them, read to them or just hold them and sit with them I am more inclined not to because I am still upset about the way they spoke to me or treated me! LOL! As I am writing this I am literally laughing out loud because it feels silly to me now how immature I can be when it comes to that.  I turn into one of them! Ugh!

After a while of tackling issues with my children and not seeing the fruit of my labor, it is super easy for me to lose hope and feel defeated.  My reaction at this point is the "forget it, I'm done!" attitude.  Sadly, this is a dangerous place to be.  Why?  Because if I follow through with that temptation, I am forfeiting the very thing that I love and for which I have so much passion! 

John 10:10 says that Satan comes only to steal, to kill and to destroy.  Satan's desire is that I sacrifice all that is important to me, and to God.  There is a reason God blessed me with a passion to be a stay-at-home mom.  For you, it might be fitness.  God may have called you to be a living testimony and a true hope to those struggling with their health and weight issues.  If you give up after a while of working hard, and not seeing the fruit of that work as quickly as you expected, trust are not the only one missing the blessing of that work.  There is a line of people, appointed by the Lord, waiting to hear about "what you used to be like, what happened, and what you are like now!" (BB pg. 58) Maybe for you it is song writing, cooking, baking, computer programming, overcoming an addiction or fear, or maybe it's writing a book.  The list could go on and on.  Think of a burning desire God has placed on you.  You are not the only one intended to benefit from your pursuit of it!  There are parents, grandchildren, chefs, writers, innovators down the line ready to be inspired by YOU and your story!

So you see, for you to give up would bring Satan so much pleasure because your freedom is not the only freedom at stake.   There are hundreds and possibly thousands of others you will eventually impact!  So I suppose my purpose in writing today is to encourage you to press on and keep on keeping on.  If not for your sake, do it for the multitude of people that I am certain God will bring into blessing and promise because of your constant effort and your refusal to quit!  Do it for the line of people waiting to hear your testimony!

"So don't get tired of doing what is good!  At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing IF WE DO NOT GIVE UP!" (Galatians 6:9 emphasis mine)

Friday, April 10, 2015

The Angels Sing, Why Not Me

I have a friend who already believed in Jesus as her savior.  She was once on fire for the Lord and lead so many into His presence.  I guess life hit and for a while she sort of became rather flippant regarding her relationship with Him.  However, I began to see a change in her.  A true turning back to her first love, Jesus. It was all great! But one day I was on the phone with her and she "DARED to scripture me!!!" Hahaha, yes that was my very thought!  And it wasn't like she was correcting me with scripture (which either way should always be welcomed by a loving friend), she was just encouraging me, reminding me of the promises of God!!! LOL, I know, I can be so petty!!! ;)

Thankfully as soon as we got off the phone I was convicted.  I even asked myself why in the world I was being so arrogant and judgmental instead of being happy for her and joyful that she had finally started to seek God again as she once did.  So of course I asked God to cleanse me of that attitude in my heart.  I know He is constantly at work in me.  Thank Him!

Not long after that,  I was reading the book of Nehemiah.  In the story Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem determined to rebuild the city walls.  The physical rebuilding of the wall was only the beginning, as Nehemiah had the reformation of God's people on his heart as well.  Two mockers soon arrive on the scene.  Sanballat and Tobiah stand in opposition to Nehemiah's efforts and basically begin to make comments that sounded to me a lot like the common day phrase, "who the heck does he think he is?" Sound familiar?  When I read the jeers, God is His awesome and gentle way showed me again how I had recently been a Sanballat & a Tobiah.  I couldn't help but think that I am not the only one that has struggled with this.  Tale as old as time, right?

I don't want to live like that!  I felt so dirty even thinking that way.  How awful that I would even dare to exalt myself in my good day against someone in their bad day.  Like Nehemiah, I want to cause a reform too.  One where we build each other up instead of tearing each other down.  One where, even when someone is so ungodly one day because they just happened to miss the mark (as the bible clearly states that WE ALL DO! Romans 3:23), and comes back the next day on the wings of God himself, that instead of calling Him a hypocrite we would rejoice and give thanks to God that he found his way back to the Lord's intents and purposes.  Obviously the problem was not my friend, she actually found her way back to Jesus.  The problem was in me, a little thing called PRIDE.  Insidious and the root of all sin for sure! 

You know...Luke 15:10 says, "There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over even one person who changes his mind for the better, heartily amending his ways." Clearly, Heaven's atmosphere is one of love, joy and encouragement. If I am truly to pray to God "on earth as it is in Heaven," as Jesus exhorted me to, then surely singing and dancing with the angels over the apparent change in my friend is the only correct response!  So this has been my prayer...Lord, help me to don this nature!  Holy Spirit, cleanse me from this pride so that I can truly reveal the Love of the Father!  Help me to see as you see, do as you do and say as you say everyday in Jesus' name!  And if its so that even the Angels sing, then shoot, why not me??